Saturday, September 22, 2007

Animal Control

I remember mom telling me about finding a cat in her front yard shortly after she moved to Arizona. If I remember correctly, Mom made several attempts to shew the cat away and even sprayed it down with a hose. The cat, although perhaps irritated, didn't move. When animal control came to take care of the cat, it turned out the cat was very pregnant.

I currently feel like that cat. Not only would I be willing to make any effort to get off my feet and even result to lying down in a strangers front yard out of sheer exhaustion, but I don't think any effort on the home owners part to shew me away would get me up off that lawn. Not even being hosed down.

I may, however, get up if animal control came to take me away. I don't care to deliver this baby in the same place the cat delivered her litter.


Traci Elizabeth said...

Katie....I think that is the funniest thing I have ever read. But, I do know how you feel. Olivia was 8 days late and I remember just being so fed up with being pregnant. I can't imagine it with 2 other children to take care of (and a Spencer) ...

jeanine said...

You are too funny! I read this to Rich and he laughed out loud. After the week I just had with William and James, I don't know how you're going to do it with 3! You're my hero!

Autumn said...

I feel so bad for that cat who got hosed!!! (Although, if it was in AZ, maybe it felt good?!!) For your sake I'm relieved that no one will be calling animal control on you.

Judds said...

Katie I am sorry, I really am. You are a great sport. That feeling is still too fresh, that is why I am not pregnant. Once I forget we may have another, I dont know how long that will take.