But I'm always on the lookout for games my whole family can play so I thought I'd give it a try. Sure enough, we laughed our heads off.
First make a game board. Mine looks like this:
Then I put a piece of candy on each face. (I found Starburst Jelly Beans on major clearance after Easter.)
One person leaves the room while the rest of the family decides which face on the game board is going to be Pete.
The one who left the room comes back and the goal for that person is to try to eat every single piece of candy other than Pete.
If that person picks up the candy on Pete's face, the rest of the family yells out "DON'T EAT PETE." And their turn is over.
Some one new leaves the room. The rest of the family picks a new Pete and you start over.
Simple right? Even Grayden got it. It was a blast...evidenced by the drool and sticky fingerprint stains. We had so much fun we played over and over and over until I decided that the kids had eaten FAR too much candy. (Next time maybe I'll use Cheerios...but that takes away half the fun.)
And to turn it into a bit of a learning experience...we talked about feelings before we started playing. What feelings they could identify on the game board. What makes you feel happy (sad, angry, excited, etc)? And what should you do when you feel angry (sad, scared, etc)?
It was too fun to keep to myself. So go apply, adapt, enjoy, return and report.