Monday, January 5, 2009

Ahoy There Me Hearties

I heard recently on the Today show that piracy has gone up 70% this year. And by piracy, I'm not talking about selling illegal dvd's on the black market. I'm talking honest to goodness (or dishonest to badness) sailing the high seas and taking over ships by force...stealing loot and holding passengers for ransom. Seventy percent is significant.

Give it another 15 years or so and you can be upping that percent. Reid has recently informed me that he wants to be a pirate when he grows up. Yep, he'll be another statistic on the open waters.

Parker on the other hand plans on sailing the open atmosphere. He wants to be an astronaut. I used to want to be an astronaut. I can live vicariously through him.

Parker likes to get to the bottom of everything. Dinner table discussions and time to talk in the car usually starts out with "Let's talk about..." and some kind of scientific topic. Like the digestive system or skin, bones and muscles, or the solar system, etc. But once Parker learned of the lack of gravity in outer space, he was hooked. Like you can just eat a sandwich and instead of setting it on a table, you set it right in the air in front of you and it floats around. Nothing could be cooler to my four and a half year old.

Thanks Uncle Jeff for the new Cd. See You On The Moon is our current favorite.


Kim said...

That's cute... is it wrong that I can't wait for Emma to be able to express herself like your boys.

jeanine said...

Your boys are just too cute! I remember when you wanted to be an astronaut! And I love the most recent parkerism! (and I can't believe he's reading so much! that's awesome!)

Sheryl said...

Love that Parker is a great mind, and a great reader, and that goal of being an Brendon decided he wanted to be a doctor at that age, and never deviated. Here he is in his first year at Med. School...I can't wait to hear that Parker Smith is in space!!

Traci Elizabeth said...

Tell Parker he needs to learn the moon walk. That would be awesome.

I love your kids personalities. So much creativity...must get it from their momma.

Kelly said...

They are creative kids! I used to want to be an astronuaut too- until the Challenger blew up, and then I said, eh, maybe I'll be a teacher! That stuck!
Love that they are into such deep conversations!

Autumn said...

This does not surprise me about Parker, though I love it. Smarty pants! Is Magic Schoolbus too cheesy for him? I love them myself! :) I also just looked at your sidebar (I forget sometimes!)-how AWESOME about the great reading. So impressive. I like Reid's take on "cute", too. So fun. btw, I love your new layout.

The Lewis Family said...

I took a course in college on what to do if pirates ever boarded. They have x-Navy seals pretend to be pirates and attack the ships bridge with m-16 (fake for the class of course). It was then I decided to avoid the high seas at all costs. Too bad I was a senior and already licensed sailor.

Heidi said...

Love those minds. I have always wanted to be a teacher... boring. Your kids are awesome! keep up the good work momma!

Amanda B. said...

I heard that about Piracy very odd. Don't worry about Reid- when my little brother was little, he wanted to be a "robber" when he grew up. But, he is married with children and teaches high school. I like those dinner conversations! :) That would be fun! Ours never seem to go quite like that... it is usually stopping the girls from throwing their food and making Jacob try some of it and talking a bit about the day. Some day.... :)