The primary sends out a newsletter every month and in it, they spotlight one of the teachers. I was filling out a spotlight questionnaire on Sunday. The dreaded question came up. What are your hobbies? Hobbies? What are those? Oh, something you do it your free time. Free time? What is that?
Really. I hate that question. The first thing that came to mind was blogging. How lame is that? When I have free time, I spend it at the computer. What are my hobbies? Let's see...playing superheroes? Building train tracks? Pretending to be an astronaut on a mission to Mars? Certainly not. Love making? Perhaps, but it's a primary newsletter and besides, it's more than obvious. We had three kids in three years. If I had all the free time in the world, I'd go to school with out a question. But is going to school a hobby?
I think I ended up writing something like blogging, sewing and table setting. But it makes me sound really lame. And I'm only kind of lame. I wanted to lie and write that I was a skateboarder, a novelist and a professional chef. And that I'm training for my 12th marathon. And that I star on Broadway and teach college classes in my spare time. And spend my summers in South America working in orphanages. That I'm a world traveler and speak 8 languages. But no, I blog, sew and table set.
What do you all write? Does anyone have any really cool hobbies? Or any way to make my hobbies sound really cool?
One day, I plan to write something really cool when asked what are my hobbies. But for now, you can all thank me for choosing to blog in my spare time.
I would have to say blogging has taken over for my hobbies too these days...I would not be able to say love making- we have 3 kids, oh wait, so do you, how do you figure that?! Dana can dream, right?! That once was a priority, not a hobby! So long ago, so so long! Ha ha!
I love my time on the net, and I would have to say I love taking naps- and I love quiet time, so yes, I am quite lame! Oh well, I was once very fun- I loved doing many things, of course shopping will always be up there, but now we are on a budget, so that is going by the wayside for now...sad, I know! Your hobbies get pushed aside, I think to help develop them in your kids...but you are an amazing costume maker, and frame maker, and your kids always have fun activities. Those become your hobbies for now, and your summers in SA will have to wait! Sad, I know...but there is a season for everything and this one is just for blogging!!
I hate that questionarre -- every stinking ward has one and they all ask the same questions. I never have a cool answer for the hobbies question either. I will join you in the boring mom catergory. Although I would think it was absolutly hilarious if you had put love making. You would have turned a few heads with that one!!
your imaginary hobbies... Are my reality... How great am I?
You are so cool. Who needs a questionarre to find that out.
Hi Katie,
This post was great because recently I had to fill out one also! I don't have any fun hobbies...I think everyone sounds lame when answering this question!
Anyway, how are you? I figure I would write and say hi! The boys sure are getting big! Yikes! Cute too! I miss having them as my entertainment during Sacrament meeting!
Katie, I love you! YOu are my hero! You are so funny! I always hate when I'm asked what my hobbies are. I'm with you, the normal answers just sound lame and make you feel blah about yourself. I usually write that I like to read, take pictures, and go fishing. Though to be honest I haven't gone fishing since Kayla was 2 months old. Hmmm, I think for my alternative (wish I actually did these things) answers I would say something like I am an expert marksman with a rifle, enjoy wrestling alligators, ballroom dance with my husband (we may take lessons someday), have a stripper pole mounted to the floor in my bedroom and achieve an amazing workout by pole dancing (this is something that I seriously think would be a lot of fun and would definately put some sizzle in my marriage!) I think since I'm pregnant the best I can achieve right now would be belly dancing. Boy, that could look really sexy in a few months! My due date is around halloween, if I haven't popped by then maybe I will do the whole belly dancing thing. Wouldn't that be something? A goofy belly dancer outfit and my big ol prego gut sticking out? Perhaps too much of a nasty visual for you eh?
Okay, I goofed! The last comment was really from me NOT Bryce.
Okay, you so underwrote yourself.
You are a personal chef, comedian, singer, entertainer, writer(blog writer), stylisist, decorator, and chaffeur!! And much, much more!!!
You are amazing!!!
And hey blogging is not only a hobby but our generations way of journaling. So hey you are do a very important thing!!
Ditto to everything Erin said... you SO underwrote yourself! You are pretty hilarious though--and much cooler than I'll ever be.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like this question. I don't know if I have any "hobbies". I have interests. Taking pictures, gazing at catalogs and stacks of idea books from the library, you mentioned, and coming up with biggie wish lists. :) Good luck.
My Brother in law told me you only "make love" if you get pregnant with a girl...if you get pregnant with a boy, you "just got busy" you definately can't put making love as a hobby, you nasty girl =)
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Plotter, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
You are funny Katie, you are a Fantastic writer! I LOVE reading your blog! Your primary does a newsletter monthly? Sounds kind of neat... I am in the Presidency in our ward... can you tell me what this newsletter consist of?
But Katie, you are a fabulous Blogger...if everyone who recieved that newsletter knew what a star blogger you are! Really, if you write a book...I'll buy it!
I find you hilarious!!!! I think you should be applauded for your talents... your kids may not say it but I bet they love having you as a Mom. You get down and play with them, plan activities, make fun food for them etc, and you are very inventive about it. And I think that is a fabulous talent/hobbie.
You are so funny. I hate these questions too because someone always as something much more exciting than what I actually do in my spare time. My current hobby is pumping and I don't mean iron. You are lucky you at least have time to blog I can't even seem to get around to that as much as I would like.
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