OK, so maybe in the eternal scheme of things, we are still newlyweds. I still feel like it most of the time. Moving to Texas was a big eye opener. In Ohio, we lived there before we had kids and then started our family. We were just a young couple with a few kids...but moving here, no one knows the pre-children Katie and Spencer. We're just a regular, established family. When I think that our wedding was only six years ago, I think...when did our lives get here? Our wedding still seems so recent.
I realize I posted these same wedding pictures back in February, but tomorrow is our anniversary...I can't think of anything better for a Flashback Friday than wedding pictures. And Since I LOVED our reception, here it is again.
I realize I posted these same wedding pictures back in February, but tomorrow is our anniversary...I can't think of anything better for a Flashback Friday than wedding pictures. And Since I LOVED our reception, here it is again.
Again, I loved my wedding reception...
it was very garden party-esque.
I had the whole thing in my back yard.
This was my food table...we served petifours,
dipped strawberries and miniature rasberry tarts.

I don't have a good picture of my wedding line.
This was the best I have...no bridesmaids or groomsmen.

This is what the table centerpieces looked like...
each teacup belonged to a family member...
mother, grandmothers, and great grandmother.
And the sweet peas inside were in remembrance of my dad.

My front porch.

My love D-Spencer.

We were totally cake-smashers.
I will never regret it. So fun.

This in one of my favorite pictures of a group of
my college girlfriends that drove down.


Those pictures are beautiful. I loved your center pieces. I used teacups in my wedding decrations too.
I will always be sad that I missed that day...dang England.
Even cuter the second time seeing them!!
Again, loved those pictures- what a beautiful centerpiece, and even more beautiful bride! I never knew the pre-married Katie either, but I have to say that you are more gorgeous now! Happy Anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary!
I am so happy for you! I hope you were able to enjoy the day! You guys are awesome! :)
Happy Anniversary!
The table settings are so pretty! Plus, you guys look so happy!
Have a great Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! Your wedding was so beautiful!
NO kidding. This past weekend-including one hour ago-I've been thinking about your tea cups. Probably because I was thinking of my wedding pictures and drifted to yours. Seriously I LOVE that idea, you have to submit that to some magazine.
I actually really like that picture of your wedding line even though it isn't posed. Sometimes I think those are the best. I love it because you and your Mom look very similar there to me. We didn't do the extra folks either.
I think I've told you this before but I soooo wanted a backyard reception. We couldn't count on it with Ohio's rain in the summer. I was so disappointed. I love looking at your pictures, somehow it makes me feel better that someone got to do it!
I could look at wedding pictures forever, I'm so glad you posted these again. I had a hard time resisting posting all of mine but I decided to wait until 5 years.
Happy anniversary, I hope you get to do something fun together.
That was a beautiful day!! I still remember your reception. It inspired me to have a reception in my uncle's backyard.
Happy Anniversary!! I can't believe it will be six years for us this year too. Time sure does fly. I am sad that I missed your wedding. You were a beautiful bride and I remember my mom telling me all about your reception it gave her some good ideas for mine.
Hi Katie!
So good to hear from you! Yes we are living in Corona! Married 6 years this July! We lived in Boise, Idaho for the first year, then moved back to Corona and bought a house. Hannah, our daughter is 18 months and we have one due in November!
Jake is a pharmacist at Riverside Community Hospital and I am still doing hair (part-time now)at a salon in Corona.
How neat to see that the first photos on your blog that I looked at were from a day that I was there! With Kelly, and Julie Gaskell and Becky Munoa! Remember? You were a beautiful bride!
I love your insightful thoughts that you post on your blog! Especially your comments about choosing to stay at home. Although I still work, it is very part time. 1 and a half days one week, and 2 and a half the next. I say half because each day I work Jake is home with Hannah and on Tuesdays he goes in to work at 2 so I work 9-1! It is especially hard because I work on his days off, so he and I no longer have that fun extra time alone together anymore! Or days off together period! We used to have three day weekends together and call our mondays off, monday fun days! And although we chose to do it this way so that we didn't have to put Hannah in daycare, I am glad of that, but miss my husband a lot too. We make the most of it!
But I have lately been thinking the theme song for my life right now is "You're Gonna Miss This", by Trace Adkins. Cause just when I get carried away with thinking, I can't wait til she's in school part of the day, or pre-school even!, I think of that song, and it brings tears to my eyes, and I try to stay in the moment, because I know one day I will be saying where did the time go?
I love your honesty in your blog! Thank you for saying what tons of moms are thinking but too afraid to say.
-Genny Hass (Grover)
Happy Anniversary!! I cant believe that it has been 6 years. The reception was very beautiful and you looked very beautiful.
KATIE!! I miss you! How are you? I'm still lin So CA, but in Huntington Beach. Moved here when I got married in 2003. I like the beach, but I'm always in Corona since everyone I'm close with is still there! Im excited we can chat. I'll add you to my friends list. (I'm way new at this, can you tell?) By the way... CUTE kids! I had no idea you have 3 boys! Awesome!
Katie, I think you know how to do everything so can you tell me how to set my blog to private or invite only.. whatever it is so that the whole world cant see it???
your wedding pictures are absolutely beautiful! and i LOVE your dress! wow!!! everything looked like it was so perfect!
Happy Anniversary! Hope you had a fantastic day! I love looking back at your wedding. Love the center pieces.
I love all of these pics. Katie you look so beautiful in these pics. What a cute couple you are!
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