I was feeling bad sending Park back to school after a lame summer break. We didn't take any sort of a trip. But as I look back at the pictures I took over the summer, it wasn't so bad.

...(mostly me) worked on projects...way more than pictured.

...discovered that the city pool is worth going to. No pictures...you try watching three non swimmers at a pool alone AND take pictures. (Though Park did learn to swim by the end of the summer.)
...bowled. (Thanks to
Groupon and Abbey for purchasing a summer pass.)

...added a little culture to our lives via Columbus Symphony
Orchestra's summer concert series.

...had a visit from Grandma.

...spent many Friday nights listening to live music in the park.

...went on a few outings. Most of which my camera never left my purse.

...went out to the ballgame.

...of course hung around the spray ground.

But mostly, we played

Adios summer! Until next year....