Thursday, September 2, 2010

(82) Days of Summer

I was feeling bad sending Park back to school after a lame summer break. We didn't take any sort of a trip. But as I look back at the pictures I took over the summer, it wasn't so bad.



...(mostly me) worked on projects...way more than pictured.

...discovered that the city pool is worth going to. No try watching three non swimmers at a pool alone AND take pictures. (Though Park did learn to swim by the end of the summer.)

...bowled. (Thanks to Groupon and Abbey for purchasing a summer pass.)

...added a little culture to our lives via Columbus Symphony Orchestra's summer concert series.

...had a visit from Grandma.

...spent many Friday nights listening to live music in the park.

...went on a few outings. Most of which my camera never left my purse.

...went out to the ballgame.

...of course hung around the spray ground.

But mostly, we played LEGOS.

Adios summer! Until next year....


jeanine said...

Oh my goodness! What a fun summer you had!

Kelly said...

What a great summer you had! I feel like we did nothing in comparison! Thanks for sharing!!

Amanda B. said...

Looks like a great summer to me!! You guys are such an awesome family! :)

Kris said...

Looks like you packed quite a lot in there anyway!!
Love the pillows!

Lauri said...

I love all of the pictures...especially the ones at the symphony and the baseball game. See? summer wasn't so bad.

Nat said...

Looks like you guys did a LOT this summer! How fun!

Tammy said...

oh how I love PICTURES!!! Sometimes Parker's hair looks so red. My favorite collage is the popcorn pops one. I love that they got to try out some instruments and seeing their little smiling painted faces is so cute.

Good Summer!

Traci Elizabeth said...

looks like a rockin good time!!

Cynthia said...

Oh my gosh, did you even have one second to rest this summer? "Lame summer break"?? You're crazy. Your boys are going to have awesome memories of summertime.

Eric said...

I have loved your posts this summer. You always do super fun things with your kids.

Heidi said...

that does not sound like a lame summer at all! I wish more people came to us... FUN!

The Patterson's said...

I always feel like we did nothing at the end of the summer until I look back at pictures and it reminds me we did do stuff. Thank goodness for my phones camera to help me remember. Your boys sure are cute and seem like a lot of fun.

Autumn said...

Don't look at the time. Of course now you have to. Fun summer! I love the border of the Legos collage. What a great toy for boys-my nephews love them. Sounds like it works for everyone. Such a great blouse! I hate to say it but I have a summer summary post coming too. I swear I'm not trying to copy you! Happy bday by the time you get this.