Friday, April 16, 2010

Just a question...

Do your kids ever make up nonsense words and end up swearing? Like really bad swearing?

I never know whether I should address it or not. I choose not. Pointing out something naughty usually just encourages it at my house. But at the same time, I don't want it to become a favorite nonsense word.

Raising kids is more of an adventure than I ever dreamed it to be.


Shalece said...

That's funny, I thought my kids were the only ones that did that. lol... I don't tell the the word they said, I just encourage not to use nonsense words and tell them sometimes the words they make up sounds like very bad words.The most recent- 'taquito" to taquito with an 'f' in front on it. over and over... hehe hard not to laugh when there is innocense behind it!

Traci Elizabeth said...

Olivia doesn't make up words that sound bad....but because she has a really hard time with her speech...many words come out sounding vulgar ;)

Jenn said...

Harrison did that ALL of the time, sometimes at church, it was funny and embarrassing at the same time. Most people knew he was making things up, but it still sounded bad. We would just take the word and change it into another more goofy sounding word each time he said it, we never pointed out the bad word, and it worked fine. I would give you examples... but it just wouldn't be right :)

jeanine said...

I choose to ignore as well. Most of the time they forget about it in a few minutes. If I pointed it out though they'd probably say it more.

jeanine said...

Sometimes they really say bad words because they are rhyming things... duck, buck, you get the idea. Definitely choose to ignore it those times.

Genn said...

Raising kids definitely is an adventure. Today I bought Hannah and Claire a matching summer dress. As I was taking the tags off of them, Hannah said "Mom that is a sexy dress." What? Where did she learn the word sexy?! And how do you address that one? I just said sexy isn't a word that you use Hannah.

Aye yie yie.

Danielle said...

I bet she got the word Sexy from Shrek, that's where my kids learned it...Katie you know I'm dying to know what they are saying...=) I agree, go about business as usual...

J, E, S & L said...

Is "sexy" bad??? I say it all the time....I wonder how many innocent kiddos have learned bad things from me...hmmm....

Melissa + Brett said...

Brett and his siblings used to have their little brother say cuss words and then laugh. Just wait till they get older! :)