It seems to be regaining popularity in the craft world. I don't know if it's because it's made from recylced plastic making it eco-friendly, or because retro style is in, or because it's so easy to work with, or just because it's so freakin' awesome. What ever the reason, I'm diggin' it.
I've hated our stockings for years. I finally did something about it. Feast your eyes upon these babies:

Also from my supply of felt, I give you this:

And in non-felt related news...
We froze our tails off at Wildlights at the Zoo on Friday night. At least half the animals froze their tails off, too...and they actually have tails to freeze off. It was 7 degrees outside. I only took pictures at the indoor exhibits. It was much too cold to stop and take pictures.

As per Christmas Sunday tradition, we got new church clothes. My dress was thrifted. I brought it home white (and dingy) and dyed it red to try and copy this dress which I'm in love with (I even wore leopard print shoes). It wasn't every thing I hoped it would be, but I'm pleased with myself anyway.

We built a gingerbread village. Can we still call it gingerbread even though it was made from graham crackers? The kids and I decided we want to move in. Parker even wants to be an architect so he can design houses like that. (Gray has decided upon applesauce maker as a career goal. Parker has promised to eat his applesauce on all his lunch breaks.) Gray took a fist to his house when we told him it was bed time. His house didn't make it to the village.

We've had snow for weeks and more is in the forecast. It looks to be a white Christmas on the home front.
Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night.