bannana fanna fo fenniIt's been a while since I've mentioned my roommates. In case you've forgotten...these girls ARE my sisters. There were seven of us...roommates and neighbors our freshman and
sophomore and even into junior year of college. Five of the seven of us grew up without sisters. I think that's what helped establish this sisterhood. We needed (sill need?) each other. Never have I experienced friendship like this. I miss these girls.
This is the year we all turn 30. Holy Smokes! Have we known each other that long? Jenni was the first a few weeks ago. And though I'm late...it's not going
Jenni is such a romantic. She was the first girl you wanted to tell you got asked on a date and the first one you wanted to talk about it with when you got home. (Unless of course the guy she liked asked you out instead...I still feel bad about that.) She had that rule book about dating and she'd read it to us on lazy afternoons. I loved day dreaming with her about getting married.
She had all the best catalogs and hung the best pictures. Jenni had a big box of great sweaters that she'd outfit any of us with for a date.
Jenni went home for the summer after freshmen year and came back in love. I wasn't sure if it was for real because we always thought we were in love. Then Eric came up for a visit the following fall and I knew it was the real deal. She was married soon after.
I love getting glimpses into her life as a wife and mom. She is the most perfect homemaker. I am amazed at all she does and how together she has it...even with child number 4 on it's way.
In no particular order...some of my favorite Jenni shots:
First snowfall of freshmen year...Sunday morning before church.

I think we were all going various places but snapped a shot before we left.

Aggie Ice Cream

College Football (not that we had a good team, but USU
did beat
BYU this year)

My favorite Jenni picture of all time at our Christmas dance in my apartment
sophmore year.

Valentine Breakfast...Carrie...you can thank me for cropping you out of that shot. You think Jenni and I look like we just woke up? You looked worse. (love you)

Chocolate chip pancakes...A Sunday evening favorite.

Bonding up the canyon...wasn't that one of the best nights ever?

Spring break road trip!

Miss you Jenni! Thanks for paving the way into your 30's. Let me know how it goes.