I've never seen Parker more calm and collected about something so big. He has been nothing but excited about first grade. I was certain that would change as we got closer to the big day. No sign of nerves last night at bedtime. I thought it would hit hard this morning. Parker proved me wrong (in a good way) and walked down the halls with complete confidence, gave me a good bye high-five and I was outta there.
I was so proud of him. Last year he struggled for months. It took him until January to decide he liked school. What a change. (Hopefully he's still singing the same tune when he gets home.)

Parker's confidence probably stemmed in part from his new clothes. He was very specific about what he wanted to wear to first grade (no matter how much I tried to talk him out of it). All he wanted were Star Wars T-shirts and Sketchers. (Good bye Converse All Stars. Sniff. Sniff.) I am definitely a believer that the right clothes can boost your confidence so Star Wars T-shirts and Sketchers it was for my first grader.
And somehow he still looks out of control cute.