As you well know, I'm not really good about blogging my day to day life. It seems so menial. It can't possibly be entertainment worthy. So I put it off for now...planning to blog about it one day when I can look back and see the humor in it all. But while I'm in the midst of the whole stay-at-home-mom thing, my life is no laughing matter.
Ok, it can get pretty funny at times, yet still mundane.
I have oodles of pictures I'm way behind on posting. I'm trying to use a little down time to play catch up.
I'm not behind on this one at all. Last Saturday. Girls night at the skating rink.

We spent last Monday's day off up in
Kirtland, Ohio. I forgot my camera.
Kirtland is so rich with church history. The saints settled there and built a temple in the 1830's. It was fantastic to share that with the kids. Especially Parker as he's getting older and can soak up every piece of information he ever hears. The boys all seemed to enjoy it.

I made fabric blocks for a friends baby shower and stuffed them with things that jingle, crinkle and rattle. I was pleased with the way they turned they were made totally out of things I had on hand. The only purchase was a pack of onesies to applique.

Kids are so cute in the snow. We had quite a bit a few weeks ago. Reid never lasts as long as the other two. He went in before I got my camera out.

Similar pictures...a few days later. The day before the snow day when school was cancelled. After picking Parker up from school, the boys turned the wrong direction and went straight out front instead of in the house. I sat in the comfort of my warm home and took these picture from inside my front window. The crazy boys weren't even dressed to play in the snow. Reid had no gloves OR socks. And no one had snow pants or even enough layers to stay warm. They came in (after much coaxing from me) cold, wet, pink and chapped.

Did I seriously skip Christmas pictures? Oh well, they look like everyone else's Christmas morning pictures, just insert my kids faces.

I don't remember where we were going this day. But we told the boys to go get ready and Parker took that to mean fix his own hair. We let him go out like this. It was awesome.

Grayden grabbed his crayons and paper and decided he had homework this day, too. Actually, most days we all sit around the table when Parker's doing his homework. His brothers miss him while he's at school.

This takes me clear back to fall. We spent a Saturday at Autumn's parents place. It was the perfect backdrop for a gorgeous fall day. We ate and rode horses and played on four-wheelers and launched candy rockets and jumped on the trampoline. But the highlight was the
zipline. And though I have millions of pictures from this day, I'll leave you with this...Spencer jumping off Peter Pan style.

And maybe one day I'll finish catching up on the day to day happenings around here.