As I was in my bathroom getting ready for the day yesterday, Parker did a running leap onto my bed as he yelled with arms in the air...
"I'm so freakin' FIVE!!!!!"Birthday's mean so much to kids. Parker turned five yesterday (obviously). I asked him if being five felt different than being four. And in all seriousness he answered yes. He told me he was so much bigger than when he was four. Today he's been showing me all the ways he's changed..."Look at my arms mom. These arms are so long. And my legs are longer than when I was four aren't they mom? And mom, don't my hands look like five year old hands? They're big hands right mom?"
I asked him his favorite thing about being five...
kindergarten. Though he was expecting to start the day after he turned five. Don't we all wish.
Him and his brother (yes that's brother...singular...Gray appreciates sleeping more than the other two) woke up to the usual birthday streamers and balloons and pile of presents. They didn't turn on PBS like they do every other morning. I could almost hear Parker staring at his presents...just waiting for Spencer and I to get out of bed. And though it wasn't even 6am yet, I couldn't wait either. Park enjoyed his gifts, but I think actually being five was more exciting than anything he opened.
His birthday breakfast request included cinnamon rolls, chocolate milk, and frozen peaches. I tried to talk him into fresh peaches...they're in season after all. But he got hooked on frozen ones during the winter months. What a nut.
We spent the day at the zoo and around lunchtime met up with some friends there. It was one of those perfect zoo days...we saw the brand new baby elephant romping around, we got to the tigers at feeding time, the lions were ROARING right as we walked up, the penguins were putting on quite a show, we rode the boat twice and to top it off, a monkey pooped right in front of us. That was the highlight of the trip for my gross kids.
Ross, Jacob, Parker, Reid
the boat ride...take I
the boat ride...take II
Parker, Reid, Abbey and Ross
the ride homeWe dined at Burger King per Parker's request. And then he got to spend the money Grandma and Grandpa Smith sent. We topped it off with cake and went to bed.
The orange dragon with blue wings was Parker's idea. I have fun with kids cakes, but I could REALLY use a lesson in frosting. The cakes are always poorly executed.
Parker is such a bright boy. We just played several rounds of
Mancala (thanks Abbey and family). Though it's really for older kids (and grown-ups), Parker caught on quick and even beat me one round (though I was going easy on him...I'm a
wiz at math games). When we read from the scriptures at night, Parker now wants to take his turn and always amazes me at how well he reads. He's reading words that are completely
unconventional and not at all phonetic. He's way into anything science and asks questions about everything. He's good at abstract thinking and applying what he learns to everyday life. Parker's a fireball and if he's not learning something new everyday, he has way too much energy to burn. He craves learning.
But despite all his left brain-
ness he has a creative side, too. He can dance like no body's business. Parker has a fantastic imagination. And he can draw and color with ability far beyond his years. I'm one proud mother. I really love this kid.

And now we're already counting down to turning six.