I just have to contrast our first day of school photo shoot (ironically enough, Reid is wearing this very outfit today.):
...with the last day of school photo shoot:
Same goofy kid...much older version. He's excited about the idea of no school all summer. I suspect he'll be whistling a different tune in about two weeks...maybe less. In fact, when school was canceled 2 days for the swine flu, he was chompin' at the bit to go back.
They were great. It's really been a fantastic year. Dropping Parker off the first day was a little tough...it's hard to trust someone else with your kids every day. But the end of the year is even harder. I hate that he has to say goodbye to his friends and teachers. Parker was so at home there.
This is his teacher Ms. Wood.

And the assistant teacher Ms. Milly

And the two of them together...Parker's expression is great.

And the assistant teacher Ms. Milly
And the two of them together...Parker's expression is great.
They were great. It's really been a fantastic year. Dropping Parker off the first day was a little tough...it's hard to trust someone else with your kids every day. But the end of the year is even harder. I hate that he has to say goodbye to his friends and teachers. Parker was so at home there.