I know you've all been waiting for a big unveiling of my kids costumes. I hope you're not sorely disappointed. This was not my best year for costumes. I couldn't talk my boys into what I wanted them to be. And really, I want them to be happy with their costumes. Dressing up is supposed to be fun. If I make them be something they don't want to be, they won't enjoy it as much as I want them to. So there was no costume theme this year. Sad, I know.
I mentioned before that Parker couldn't be anything that wasn't spooky. He was a lurking, smirking Vampire. I wasn't too excited about his costume at first. All I made was a cape...though it was a killer vampire cape with spooky silver buttons and a chain around the neck. But by the time it was all on with hair and face paint and the works, this turned out to be my favorite costume. Parker is hardly recognizable...he looks a little like Eddie Munster.
Park couldn't take a picture without posing.

At Parker's school, each kid takes turns bringing this "Care Bear" home for the weekend. When they bring it back on Monday, the kids report back to the class about Care Bear's adventures. This was Park's weekend for Care Bear and we even found him a costume to wear trick-or-treating.

Reid insisted on being a
Mahna Monster (one of Jim Henson's
Muppet's). In fact, he was the one I had the hardest time trying to convince to be what I wanted him to. He was very set on this costume. Truthfully, I LOVED this idea. It
thoroughly suits Reid's
personality. I thought this would be my favorite costume. I was highly disappointed. I guess I just wasn't willing to spend enough money to perfect this one.
Though this one was still the people's choice. Everyone thought Reid looked fantastic, but no one knew who he was. He does look pretty cute. Spencer pointed out that he looks more like a prehistoric
rock star.

I debated about Gray's costume for a long time. I very seriously contemplated
re-wearing the infamous Elvis costume. But when it came down to it, I'm just not the re-wearing type of girl. (Not for my kiddos,
at least.) So I had all the fabric picked out to dress him like the little golfer I've been wanting for the past two Halloweens. But at the last minute I switched to a ghost per Spencer's suggestion.
Grayden's favorite word is "BOO." Any given hour you can catch him saying it
at least five times. I thought a little baby crawling around in a ghost costume giggling BOO every few minutes would be hilarious.
I wish I would have gone for the golfer. At first he looked a little like a white
supremacist. So I altered it and he looked like a girl. And after a few more alterations and the addition of a bow tie, no one knew what he was supposed to be. I attempted to paint his face white and wanted to add black circles around the eyes...Charlie Brown style...but he wouldn't have it. Another costume disappointment.

Spencer dressed him this night and forgot the white shirt underneath. Oh well...it was too hot anyway.

I re-wore to the ward trunk or treat.

Spencer went as Indiana Jones. I think he's caught a little costume fever.

On Halloween I didn't want to make the effort for Lucille ball, again. I am amazed at my mad costume skills. In just a few minutes time I had come up with a cow girl costume, a pirate costume, and a witch costume using mainly clothes from my closet and a couple accessories from the costume box. I was most impressed with the pirate costume...I don't dress like a pirate on a daily basis. I was amazed that I had clothes that could look so pirate-
ish. Spencer's vote was for the cow girl (I'm guessing
because it consisted of tight jeans tucked into tall boots). It included the most comfortable shoe choice so I obliged. But Parker freaked out. He NEEDED me to be the witch. And since he runs our household, I marched back upstairs and quickly transformed myself into a witch. And sadly enough, this is the best picture.

Next year I'm NOT going as a witch.
The best part? The costumes averaged out to
$5 a piece (some a little less, some a little more). Let's hear it for homemade costumes! (Not to mention they're original and don't look so cheap.)