Jeanine made a trip down to Texas from Oklahoma last weekend with her cute family and got to spend a night at our house. I've been wanting to post flashback pictures of Jeanine since last September. I got the idea right after her birthday (Traci got to enjoy a birthday flashback, instead). I was going to wait clear until her next birthday, but I just couldn't wait any longer.
Jeanine is my longest running friend. I have known her since we were Sunbeams...the age of our children. It's weird to think that our moms were our age when they met. I have no memory of a time I didn't know Jeanine. I don't even know what it's like not to have her as a friend. What a blessing, huh? I feel sorry for the rest of you. Jeanine is fantastic. I have so many fun memories that include Jeanine. From tree swings to dances, dolls, dates, dress-up, science projects, Laurel projects, you name it. She moved away a few times during childhood, but always came back...and we always kept in touch during her times away.
We had a great time visiting with her family...she has all boys, like us. Aside from the fact that I was dragging a little that weekend (sorry about that), I had a blast. Our boys got along splendidly. Parker has not stopped talking about William since he left. They're just four months apart and I always hoped they would get along. We'll have to plan a visit again soon. While sitting and visiting and taking our kids to the park, I couldn't help but think if we had met at this time of life rather than in early childhood, I would still choose Jeanine as a friend.
The Early Years
I'm not sure if these are in order or not.
Our birthdays are just five days apart so we got baptized the same day. We sang the Baptism song together. I have very vivid memories of rehearsing it with her mom the week before.

Bishoff's Birthday Party

I think the next two pictures are when Jeanine moved away and the girls in our primary class had a little going away party at my house.

This was probably when Jeanine was in town for a visit.

Again, Jeanine was in town (
Brea) visiting family, so my mom drove me up to spend the day.

She moved back to Corona in 8th grade I think. These are the good old junior high days...the most awkward time of life for me.
Swimming at my house

th Grade Valentine's Dance

th Grade Friendship Pictures

Crazy side note...As of last week, of all nine girls in the next two pictures, seven of us are now connected through the wonderful world of blogger. Just a warning to those of you who recently found my blog...I post flashback pictures every Friday. You can safely bet you'll occasionally show up in those.
th Grade Luau

Junior High Graduation
High SchoolA Young Women trip to the Los Angeles temple to see the Christmas lights.
A choir trip to
Knotts Berry Farm

Youth Conference when we were on the Stake Youth Committee

We did our Laurel Project together (back when they were called Laurel Projects). It's an awful picture, but this is one of my favorite memories of Jeanine. We put together an entire musical program at a nursing home with music from the 20's, 30's and 40's. We had an incredible experience.

Girls night out at Disneyland Hotel

Winter Formal...Senior Year

Madrigal trip to Hawaii...Senior Year
You can all witness my mad scrapbook skills...the
epitome of a 90's scrapbook.

School Days

Scholarship Awards

In my bathroom getting ready for Senior Dinner Dance.


The five of us all went away to Utah to school...3 different schools. We met in Salt Lake City at Christmas time one year.

Jeanine and I at my wedding.

I'm looking forward to making many more memories.