While I appreciate the influx of compliments, I'm not exaggerating the weight gain. Why do you think I chose that picture? Why in the world would I choose a picture that makes me look fat over one that makes me look thin? A picture of my profile is much more flattering than a front on picture. So I'm choosing to post another picture to portray my full cheeks (and to show Traci another angle of my new do). Once again, although I took several pictures of myself, I still can't help but choose the one that makes me look best. The fattest pictures just can't be published on the internet. Why do you think I only posted a picture from the neck up? I didn't even want my arms in there. My face is currently the thinnest part of my rapidly growing body. I weigh significantly more than I did at the end of my last pregnancy and I still have four weeks to go. I've out grown the majority of my maternity clothes and get at least one of the following comments every time I leave the house:
The boys love the photo booth option on the new computer. Parker can pose and make goofy faces in that thing all day if I'd let him. You can see yourself on the screen when the picture is being taken. I'm not quite sure what pose he's doing there, but it was one of the few we took that he hadn't crowded Reid out completely. Reid looks to tiny being squished between us. He's not really that small. The boys didn't have their hair fixed yet and it's really not flattering. But I'll post it anyway.
- Are you sure there aren't twins in there?
- Wow! You've really popped.
- You've gotten huge.
- You really have 4 weeks left?
- You look miserable.
- You look like you're ready to pop.
- Are you sure you didn't mis-calculate your due date?
- Don't you just feel huge?
- You really look pregnant. (DUH!)
- You're still here?
- You poor thing.
The boys love the photo booth option on the new computer. Parker can pose and make goofy faces in that thing all day if I'd let him. You can see yourself on the screen when the picture is being taken. I'm not quite sure what pose he's doing there, but it was one of the few we took that he hadn't crowded Reid out completely. Reid looks to tiny being squished between us. He's not really that small. The boys didn't have their hair fixed yet and it's really not flattering. But I'll post it anyway.